Wednesday, September 26, 2007

ADHD, ADD, and the video that should scare you.

I hope that everyone has seen this, but more so I hope that every parent watches this and takes away from it at least some feeling. If it doesn't make you angry, which it should, maybe you are just to self absorbed with your professional and personal lives, and you should maybe reconsider your decision to have children. Watch this video.

I cannot comment yet on this video. Even if it is only anecdotal, so is the diagnosis. I only hope that after watching this video you can not...

Sleep well;

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Patriots of the New World Order

Neo-conservatives and the construction of Orwellian Sugar Coated Terrorism

Has anyone actually read the Patriot Act (either version one or two). You can read the Patriot Act I, although I doubt it will make sense to most people, which is of course the norm with government documents. You will find the Patriot Act II here, although that is not the name the government gave it. They use much more insidious language, hiding it behind words that should on their own tell you there is something wrong with it. It's official name is the Justice Enhancement and Domestic Security Act of 2003. Just the idea that we even need Justice enhancement, should make you wonder what are they talking about. The second part the Domestic Security Act. What are they talking about, who are they protecting us from. We have had laws in the constitution that have protected our domestic security for over two hundred years, why then do we need new laws, or is it that the old laws are in the way of the new ones, hmm, does make you wonder donut.

Well I am about to dissect these two documents, and I will continue to update this blog with information as I decipher it from the documents. You might also want to check out a few other sites, like American Civil Liberties Union, or some more radical sites like, and a few others that I will list at some time in the future as I begin to amass my data on this whole mess.

Please for the sake of your own domestic security, read these congressional papers, and even if you don't understand them, at least you will have taken the time to try. Then you can look to others like myself who will be giving you a better understanding of the acts. I am not totally against the government, hell they will be there anyways, I know they are what they are, and with that in mind it is better to understand them and know that they are what they are, rather than to accept that they are what they are based on ignorance. So if you don't understand look for those that can, and ask questions, because the only way they can control you, is they must convince you it is for your own good. Think about that for a while and I will return soon with more about these acts and the various actors that are involved in this particular play.

Sleep well;

Alex Jones on George Orwell's "1984"

This video is from Alex Jones' Prison Planet TV, where by he presents his argument that we are already living in a version of Orwellian society. He also mentions Huxley's "Brave New World". I will be writing more about this soon.

Here's the video link:

You should definitely check this out, and then make up your own mind. I will be posting more about this soon, as I continue to ferret out more information on the government, 1984, brave new world, and other related theories.


Thursday, January 04, 2007

"The Naked Truth"

This Video Takes Us On A Deep Journey Of Exploration Into The Origin Of Most Of The Religions We Know Of Today. This Video Is A Factual Historical Breakdown. I Had Run Across This Video While Searching After ...This Video was no longer available. As Suprised as I was..I think This Video Should Be watched By People with an open mind..some of it's topics may be "mind Blowing" for some.You Be The Judge..What Type Of Person are you?

Sunday, June 01, 2003

The United States has been legislating morality since it decided to create the unity. Not that they are exclusive, but that their seeming denial of the same is novel. However, the fact that I live in New York makes the legislation of this state that much more pertinent. Therefore I will focus mostly on New York State law and the cross of morality. What is the truth, I don't know, but if it's out there, I hope it finds me well.

So welcome to the circus, and don't mind the weather, because baby it's cold outside. Please feel free to interject whatever you feel needs to be said, because as any idiot knows, morality is subjective, and law is subjected.